Google Rating

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Basic Info

Name: Private Weed Club Barcelona


Social Media: 


Smoking devices available: Pipes, Bongs, Vaporizer 

Cannabis Clubs Available Today

Not all cannabis clubs are open for new members.
It is always best to contact them directly to confirm you can show up.
Or, you can also rely on affiliated websites to confirm they are available.

Final Review

This club located near Plaza España is a great club where you can relax and enjoy a chilled atmosphere, this cannabis club is well equipped to entertain the club members with pool tables, ping pong tables, big tvs with video games. The menu is very affordable and the quality and variety are top grade. The decoration is very nice with surf tables and skates on the walls it has a hippie, surfer, relaxed vibes. This club is a must go to connect with locals and foreigners that live in the city.